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JICA-NCDA Project Awarded by International Association for Universal Design (IAUD)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in partnership with the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) conducts a unique international cooperation to promote “universal design” in the rural communities of the...
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NCDA Supports Independent Living Initiatives of DPI-AP

NCDA Supports Independent Living Initiatives of DPI-AP

As called for in Article 32 on International Cooperation of the UN-CRPD, the Council intensified forging of partnerships with global partners on disability. Last October 6 and 8, 2010 OIC...
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Franklin, Finally in Qatar, after his Bureau of Immigrations Ordeal

Franklin, Finally in Qatar, after his Bureau of Immigrations Ordeal

Franklin Corpuz, a deaf chef from Baguio City, beams with friends on his arrival in Doha Qatar, after being shabbily barred from boarding his flight by a Bureau of Immigrations...
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NCDA and LTFRB warn drivers and conductors

Beware bus rivers and operators! The National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) is warning all public utility bus drivers and conductors to give the right treatment  to persons with disability!...
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NCDA joins the 2011 International Abilympics Workshop

NCDA joins the 2011 International Abilympics Workshop

In preparation for the 2011 International Abilympics (IA) that will be held in Seoul, Korea, the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) has participated in the 4-day workshop alongside delegates...
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5th Search for Outstanding JICA Ex Participants

We are very pleased to invite you to join our Search for Outstanding JICA Ex-participants by nominating a candidate in any of the following categories: • Arts Culture & Education...
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NBI Releases Recommendation on Complaints of PWDs Against Cebu Pacific Air

NBI Releases Recommendation on Complaints of PWDs Against Cebu Pacific Air

On the September 16, 2010 NCDA Board Meeting, DOJ Assistant Chief State Counsel, Ruben F. Fondevilla requested the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to update the National Council on Disability...
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Reply of Mercury Drug to NCDA Letter dated 20 August 2010 Re: BFAD Case Nos. CMP-PD-2010-031 and CMP-PD-2010-032

07 September 2010 MS. NAZARITA T. TACANDONG, RPh, MPA Acting Director IV Food and Drug Administration Alabang, Muntinlupa City Re: Reply to NCDA Letter dated 20 August 2010 BFAD Case...
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JICA Officials for NHE Project Visit NCDA

JICA Officials for NHE Project Visit NCDA

NCDA Officials and the JICA Team for the Non-Handicapping Environment (NHE) Project for Rural Areas welcomed and briefed visiting expert Mr. Yutaka Takamine (seated 3rd from left) on the Council’s...
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MMDA Retains Exemption of PWDs from Vehicular Coding

As requested by NCDA, MMDA Secretary Atty. Francis N. Tolentino retained the exemption of motorists with disabilities from vehicular coding known as the UVVRP or “Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program”...
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