NVA President, Conferred Most Outstanding PWD Award” by UP-PGH

In the photo from right to left, are Chancellor Ramon Arcadio,  Secretary Corazon (Dinky) Soliman, Eng’r. Emer Rojas (awardee) and Dr. Rolando Domingo, the UP-PGH Hospital Director.

The UP-PGH Department of Rehabilitation Medicine celebrated the “32nd National Disability and Rehabilitation Week” with their annual Recognition Award of Outstanding PWD last July 12, 2010. This is to honor valuable contributions and selfless efforts of individual Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and organizations to support the rehabilitation and recovery of new PWD patients. [...] 

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32nd NDPR Celebration Project Brief


The National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (NDPR) Week is an annual celebration of the national government being spearheaded by then National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons (NCCDP) by virtue of Proclamation No. 1870 issued in June 22, 1979 by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Subsequently, in August 19, 2000, President Joseph E. Estrada issued Proclamation No. 361 superseding Proclamation No. 1870 wherein the celebration of that weeklong event was spearheaded by the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons, the forerunner of NCCDP and now the National Council on Disability Affairs. This public policy aims at paying tribute to millions of Filipinos nationwide and recognizing their valuable contributions in nation-building. Its primary objective is to stimulate public awareness on disability problems and concerns particularly issues on disability prevention, rehabilitation and equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWDs). The observance of this event is being commemorated on July 17-23 and shall culminate on the birthdate of Apolinario Mabini, the “Sublime Paralytic” on July 23. [...] 

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