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RP Team Brings Home the Bacon from the 6th ASEAN Para Games
January 21, 2012dandeeNational News,Photo Releases,Programs Management DivisionParagames Indonesia,PWD Sports
Proudly Filipino! Inspired by the 6th ASEAN Para Games’ theme “Ünited and rising..through sports for all”, the 10-man Philippine Team brings home nine major medals in the Chess...
Continue Reading2nd International Conference on Multiple Perspectives on Inclusion, Transition and Disability – Beijing, China
January 18, 2012dandeeAnnouncements,National News,Sub-committee on Education2nd International Conference on Multiple Perspectives on Inclusion,Persons with Disabilities,Reach Inc.,Resources for Educatioal and Allied Counsultancy Habitat,Transition and Disability,Workshop for SPED Teachers
On behalf of the Resources for Educational and Allied Consultancy Habitat (R.E.A.C.H.), Inc. in cooperation with the Sharing Our Caring Foundation, Inc., we would like to extend an invitation...
Continue ReadingTake One Animation Studio Pilots Training for PWDs
January 17, 2012dandeeJob Opportunities,National News2d animation,deaf,MCCID,Take One Animation Studio
Take One Animation Studio Proprietor/Manager Eric Tansingco “MAKES THE RIGHT TO WORK REAL” for deserving Persons With Disability artists or those skilled in drawing. Course passers will eventually get hired, as...
Continue ReadingCALL FOR ENTRIES 2012 VSA International Young Soloists Award
January 12, 2012dandeeAnnouncements,National News,Technical Cooperation Division2012 VSA International Young Soloist Award,Very Special Art
Call for Entries for the 2012 VSA International Young Soloists Award is now live! For more details please click here...
Continue ReadingNCDA – Australian Development Scholarship Awardee Returns Home
January 12, 2012dandeeAnnouncements,Photo Releases,Sub-committee on International Disability NetworkAustralia,Australian Development Scholarship (ADS),University of Newcastle
Fatima A. Garon, Project Evaluation Officer I of NCDA has successfully completed her post-graduate program under the Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) for year 2011. Ms. Garon studied Master of Social...
Continue ReadingTraining on the Provision of Appropriate Wheelchairs
January 5, 2012dandeeAnnouncements,Photo ReleasesLatter Day Saints Charities,Training on wheelchair Fitting
To equip service-providers in effective provision of appropriate wheelchairs to beneficiaries, the Latter-Day Saints Charities (LDSC) held a 2-day workshop for 17 GO/NGO/PO participants from Quezon City , Caloocan City...
Continue ReadingDAISY Consortium consults NCDA on a ‘PWD-Friendly Disaster Plan’ Tie Up
Daisy Consortium President Hiroshi Kawamura (left), on courtesy call to NCDA last November 18, 2011, raised the...
Continue ReadingSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Court of Appeals denies TRO filed by Southern Luzon Drug Corporation
The Special Fifth Division of the Court of Appeals, in its decision dated June 17, 2011 (CA-G.R. SP NO. 102486), denied the petition for a temporary restraining order and/or writ...
Continue ReadingDuskin Leadership Training for Promising PWD youth
The Japan Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSPRD) is calling for applications to a 10-month training opportunity for young people with disabilities in the Asia Pacific Region for...
Continue ReadingAnnouncement of Qualified Applicants Applying for the AFS KL-YES Scholarship
August 17, 2011dandeeAFS,Announcements,National NewsAFS KL-YES Scholarship Program,National Council on Disability Affairs
The National Council on Disability Affairs is pleased to announce the qualified applicants who will be invited to the Final Screening for the American Field Service KL-YES Scholarship Program on...
Continue ReadingSuccessful Inaugural IDPP Residency Period Comes to a Close
August 12, 2011dandeeAnnouncements,Photo ReleasesAmbassador Luis Gallegos,IDPP,Institute on Disability and Public Policy,International Disability Policy
The Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP)’s first residency period welcoming the incoming student cohort who will earn a Master’s of International Affairs in Comparative and International Disability Policy...
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