Category: Sub-committee on Information, Communications and Technology

NCDA Sub-committee on Information, Communications and Technology

RP TEAM Bags 2 “Global IT Challenge Grand Prizes and 1 Special Award in Korea

Our 6-man “Make the Right Real Team Philippines” brought home 3 awards, 2 grand champion  and a special award in e-Life, e-Tools and slogan making contests in ‘Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities’ in Song Do University, Incheon, Korea.  Young champs are Ezekiel John Erpelo (MCCID Institute of Technology), Caroll Ann de Belen (Manila High School) and Joseph Gabriel  Vesagas (Independent Learning Center). [...] 

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The New Face of the COMELEC Website

Fresh from winning their “PWD-friendly Website” Award at the 34th NDPR Week, COMELEC  proudly launched their new website’s accessible features  last August 15, 2012, in support of the “Fully Abled Nation’s” drive for  disability-inclusive elections. [...] 

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Mary Jane Villanueva, Opol’s Most Outstanding PWD 2012

Proud Mayor Dexter Yasay recently awarded Mary Jane Villanueva, Opol Federation of PWDs’ Vice President, as the “Most Outstanding PWD” for 2012.  Launched to kick off Opol’s 2012 NDPR Week with a motorcade,  this aims to raise awareness on the beauty and potentials of PWDs as productive citizens of Opol. [...] 

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The National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) recently turned-over instructional and information materials to students with disabilities of Batino Elementary School in Quezon City, as part of its continuing campaign to promote the right to education of persons with disabilities as embodied in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Undersecretary Alicia R. Bala (3rd from right) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development who used to be the Officer-in-Charge and currently Alternate Chairperson of the NCDA Governing Board, spearheaded the National Campaign to Promote White Cane project among blind persons especially those studying in the elementary level which subsequently resulted to inclusion of instructional materials for other children with disabilities. Joining her are (from right to left) NCDA Chief Information Officer Rizalio R. Sanchez, Department of Education Undersecretary Albert T. Muyot, Batino Elementary School Principal, Mr. July Villapa, and NCDA Deputy Executive Director Mateo A. Lee, Jr., including students with disabilities from said school.
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National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) Deputy Executive Director Mateo A. Lee, Jr. (3rd from left) presents a “PWD-Friendly Website Award” Certificate to Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Assistant Secretary Vilma B. Cabrera in recognition of the Department’s compliance to the Web Accessibility Standards set by the Philippine Website Accessibility Group represented by its President, Mr. Remberto I. Esposa, Jr. (Extreme Left) and the National Computer Center-Information and Communications Technology Office.  The ceremony, which also served as the launching of the DSWD’S PWD-Accessible Website was held last January 20, 2012 at its Central Office.  Others in photo include (from left to right) NCDA’s Project Evaluation Officer Reginaldo Tolentino, DSWD Officer-in-Charge of Management Information Systems Service Felino O. Castro V, and DSWD Webmaster Manuelito C. Bongabong. [...] 

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