On May 9, 2023, NCDA Executive Director Joniro F. Fradejas and OIC-Deputy Executive Director Dandy C. Victa presided the oath taking of the 10 new and promoted NCDA employees. There were five personnel from the Office of the Executive Director four from the Finance and Administrative Division, and one from the Technical Cooperation Division.
Category: National News
News from the National Head Office

Consultation On The Zero Draft Report In The Implementation of The United Nations CRPD
On May 3 and 4, 2023, the Consultation on the Zero Draft Report in the Implementation of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was held at the Madison 101 Hotel + Tower in Quezon City. Executive Director Janiro Fradejas of NCDA oversaw the two-day event. Attendees at the event continue reading : Consultation On The Zero Draft Report In The Implementation of The United Nations CRPD

Capacity Building on the Implementation of Local IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities by Selected Persons with Disabilities Affairs Offices
The event was directed by NCDA Executive Director Joniro F. Fradejas with assistance from Mr. Dandy Victa, Head of the Technical Cooperation Division. This is a Three-day training held at the Ramada Hotel in Manila on April 24 to 26, 2023 Mr. Crisanto Perez, the project focal person, briefly went over several essential steps in continue reading : Capacity Building on the Implementation of Local IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities by Selected Persons with Disabilities Affairs Offices

1st Quarter Meeting Of The Regional Committee On Disability Affairs 9 (RCDA)
The 1st Quarter meeting of the Regional Committee on Disability Affairs 9 (RCDA) was held on April 13 to 14, 2023 at the LM hotel in Zamboanga City. The two-day quarterly meeting was initiated by the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) Executive Director, Joniro F. Fradejas.

DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian Visits NCDA
NCDA Executive Director Joniro F. Fradejas welcomed DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian on April 12, 2023, when he visited the National Council on Disability Affairs to provide overall direction, supervision and coordination to the Council.

NCDA Donates Computer And Pocket Wifi’s
Three computers and pocket WIFI’s were donated by NCDA to the Persons with Disability Affairs Office, Oriental Mindoro on March 27, 2023. The turn over of donations were led by Executive Director Joniro F. Fradejas .
National Parks Development Committee (NPDC) 60the Anniversary
The National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) joined the celebration of the 60th Founding Anniversary of the National Parks Development Committee (NPDC) held earlier today at the Independence Flagpole, Rizal Park, Luneta, Manila. NPDC’s Executive Director, Ms. Cecille Lorenzana Romero, in her speech, welcomed everyone to the Stop and Salute event. She said that they continue reading : National Parks Development Committee (NPDC) 60the Anniversary
Gender and Development (GAD) Training
NCDA recently conducted a three-day GAD training entitled GAD Mainstreaming Disability Inclusive Program. Mr. Raymond Mazo served as our Resource Person. NCDA Officer-in-Charge-Executive Director Dandy C. Victa delivered his opening remarks and welcomed all participants, including Mr. Mazo.
Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities (GITC) 2022 Winners
The Philippines as an active participant to the annual Global Information Technology Challenge (GITC) for Youth with Disabilities joined once more this year in a hybrid format. The final round was facilitated in Yeouido Glad Hotel in South Korea. This year, this Philippines won a total of five gold medals and three bronze medals. The continue reading : Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities (GITC) 2022 Winners
Webinar on RA 11650 Re: Inclusive Education Act of 2022
26 October 2022. The resource speaker from the Department of Education, Assistant Secretary Dexter A. Galban, Office of Asst. Secretary for Youth Affairs and Special Concerns conveyed information, received feedback and directly answered the questions and queries about the Republic Act 11650. This allowed the interactivity of the resource person with the participants of this continue reading : Webinar on RA 11650 Re: Inclusive Education Act of 2022
CARING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES – A Medical Mission for Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City
The National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) employees will conduct a medical mission to its persons with disabilities constituents living or residing in Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City in coordination with Kaagapay ng PWD ng Holy Spirit Inc. (KAAGAPAY) on November 07, 2022. Persons with Disabilities of Barangay Holy Spirit encounter the presence of physical, continue reading : CARING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES – A Medical Mission for Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City
NCDA participates in the High-Level Intergovernmental Meeting of the Final Review of the Asia and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities in Jakarta, Indonesia
NCDA participates in the High-Level Intergovernmental Meet
Webinar on RA11650 (Inclusive Education of Students with Disabilities)
Topic: Webinar on RA11650 (Inclusive Education of Students with Disabilities) Time: Oct 26, 2022 09:30 AM Kuala Lumpur Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85251350986 Meeting ID: 852 5135 0986
The Inclusive Development Partners Program Coordinators, Kate Brolley and Ashley Stone paid a visit to the National Council on Disability Affairs
The Inclusive Development Partners Program Coordinators, Kate Brolley and Ashley Stone paid a visit to the National Council on Disability Affairs for an exploratory discussion to learn more about the learners with disabilities in the Philippines. The team is also looking at how the US Agency for International Development (USAID) can provide interventions with the continue reading : The Inclusive Development Partners Program Coordinators, Kate Brolley and Ashley Stone paid a visit to the National Council on Disability Affairs
Technical Working Group to discuss further the concerns of the sector in transportation, accessibility and proper procedure in acquiring a driver’s license.
Leaders from different persons with disabilities organizations formed a Technical Working Group to discuss further the concerns of the sector in transportation, accessibility and proper procedure in acquiring a driver’s license. The National Council on Disability Affairs Executive Director, Don Fradejas, committed to support the group in achieving the common goal of having persons with continue reading : Technical Working Group to discuss further the concerns of the sector in transportation, accessibility and proper procedure in acquiring a driver’s license.