Monitoring and Evaluation of, Accountability for, and Learning from (“MEAL”)
the Implementation of Section 36 of the General Provisions under Fiscal Year
2023 General Appropriations Act (GP 36 under FY 2023 GAA) or Equivalent
Provision in the Years Thereafter Entitled “Programs and Projects Related to
Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities”


Twenty years ago, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) – Department of
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Joint Circular No. 2003-01 was issued to provide the guidelines for the implementation of the General Appropriations Act (“GAA”)of 2003, to ensure that all agencies of government set aside at least one percent (1%) oftheir total budget to programs, projects, activities, and/or services for older persons and persons with disabilities.

In 2013 up to present, provision in the GAA which mandates that at least 1% of the total budget of all agencies should be set aside for programs, projects, activities, and/or services for older persons and persons with disabilities was replaced to a provision which does not provide for a minimum percentage allocated for programs, projects,activities, and/or services for older persons and persons with disabilities. In the Calendar Year 2023 GAA, for instance, Section 36 provides that “ All agencies of the government
shall formulate plans, programs, and projects intended to address the concerns of Senior Citizens and Persons with disability, in so far, as it relates to their mandated functions and integrate the same in their regular activities”

In an effort of both the DBM and DSWD to monitor the compliance of various
government agencies in the above mentioned GAA provision, it is still imperative to conduct a joint monitoring and evaluation in coordination with the National Commission on Senior Citizens (NCSC) and National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) as the policy making agencies both for senior citizens and persons with disability sectors, respectively.

This Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) will set guidelines and/ provide institutional arrangements in the monitoring and evaluation of GP 36 under FY 2023 GAA or equivalent provision in the years thereafter. As such, the result will be used as the basis for future policy development.


a. This JMC aims to monitor and evaluate the implementation of GP 36 under
Fiscal Year 2023 GAA and the equivalent provision in the years thereafter which mandates that all agencies of the government shall formulate plans, programs,and projects intended to address the concerns of Senior Citizens and Persons with disability, in so far, as it relates to their mandated functions and integrate the same in their regular activities.

b. The provisions of this JMC shall cover all national government agencies,
executive departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, commissions, state
universities, and colleges including government financial institutions,
government-owned and/or -controlled corporations and local government units.

III Legal Basis

• GP 36 under FY 2023 GAA – “Ail agencies of the government shail formulate
plans, programs, and projects intended to address the concerns of Senior
Citizens and Persons with Disability, in so far, as it relates to their mandated functions and integrate the same in their regular activities”

• Republic Act 11350 or the “National Commission of Senior Citizens Act” –
declaring it to be the policy of the State to promote the advocacy of and
collaboration between different stakeholders and senior citizens to ensure the effective implementation of various programs and services, particularly on the development of senior citizens and advancing their health, and well-being, and ensuring a supportive and enabling environment for the elderly.

• Republic Act 10524 or “An Act Expanding the Positions Reserved for
Persons with Disability, Amending for the purpose Republic Act 7277 as
amended , otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Person with Disability” which mandates that at least one percent (1%) of all positions in all
government agencies, offices, or corporations shall be reserved for persons
with disabilities.

• United Nations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006, to adopt
all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the
implementation of the rights recognized in the present Convention.

• GAA of FY 2003 Section 29. Programs and projects related to Senior citizens
and disabled. In support of the Philippine Plan of Action for Older persons,
1999-2004., all executive departments, bureaus, offices, agencies,
commissions and state universities and colleges shall set aside at least one
percent (1%) of their total FY 2003 budget appropriations as cost of
implementation thereof, in coordination with the Department of Social Welfare
and Development.

• Republic Act 7876 or An Act Establishing a Senior Citizen Center In All
Cities and Municipalities of the Philippines, and Appropriating Funds
Therefor, wherein senior citizens centers are intended to be used as venues for the delivery of integrated and comprehensive social services to senior citizens and other members of the community.

• Republic Act 7432 or “An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior
Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and for
Other Purposes” motivating and encouraging senior citizens to contribute to
nation-building and to mobilizing their families and the community they live with,among others;

• Republic Act 7277 or the “Magna Carta for Disabled Persons” – declaring
the rights and privileges of persons with disabilities to equal opportunities for employment, education, health, auxiliary social services, telecommunications,accessibility and political and civil exercises.

IV General Guidelines

a. The funds utilized for the implementation of programs, projects, activities, and/or services which will address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities,shall comprise of any combination of or all of the following:

i. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Campaign/Advocacy. This area covers programs, projects, activities, and/or services (“PPAS”) intended to:

1. Raise the level of awareness of the general public and policymakers/decision
makers on aging, needs of persons with disabilities and prevention of discrimination against any abuse of older persons and persons with disabilities, contextualizing the concept of people empowerment and creating venues for the various sectors to express their own opinions and views on the national and
local issues on the matter;

2. Inform the general population on the PPAS of identified agencies on older persons and persons with disabilities;

3. Develop information tools to highlight the roles of older persons/persons with disabilities in community development;

4. Generate additional resources and needed technical support for PPAS for the subject sectors.

ii Human Resource Development and Capacity Building for Older
Persons/Persons with Disabilities and Implementers of Programs/Projects for these clientele group in the areas of:

1. Non-formal education program for older persons and persons

2. Livelihood training program for older persons and persons with disabilities;

3. Vocational skills training for the older persons and persons with disabilities for livelihood/employment purposes;

4. Care-giving training for family members of older persons and persons with disabilities;

5. Counseling, professional guidance, and family therapy for
emotional support for family caregivers;

6. Specialized skills training for professionals and service providers for older persons and persons with disabilities

iii. Promotion and Provision of Employment Opportunities either in self, open, or sheltered employment for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities, including but not limited to compliance with and enforcement of Republic Act No. 40524 (“An Act Expanding the Positions Reserved for Persons with Disability”) and its implementing rules and regulations.

iv. Protection and Safety Programs for Older Persons and Persons with
Disabilities. This covers PPAS such as those (i) that provide qualified Filipino sign language interpreters and accessible materials for all public transactions, services and
facilities involving the deaf, pursuant to R.A. Nos. 11106, 10533, 10410, and 11650 (ii)architectural or structural features, designs or facilities that reasonably enhance the mobility, safety, and welfare of persons with disability pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 and R.A. No. 7277, such as, but not limited to the following:


2.Accessible toilets;

3.Tactile Pavings/ pavements

4.Auxiliary Aids and assistive devices; and

5.Other similar or innovative architectural designs of government buildings, consistent with universal principles aimed at facilitating access and inclusion of older persons and PWD’s.

v. Group Home/Foster Home for Neglected, Abandoned, and Detached Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities

vi. Policy Development/Legislation that seeks to promote the rights, full participation, and equality of older persons and persons with disabilities in the development process

vii. Researches that seek to provide policy recommendations and affirmative actions that are responsive to emerging and holistic needs of older persons and persons with disabilities

viii. Other PPAS that the agencies may implement to address the needs of the older persons and persons with disabilities as these relate to their respective mandates covering their existing client- focused and organizational-focused programs and activities for older persons and persons with disabilities.

V Reporting and Monitoring

Agency Plan of Action for CY 2024 and years thereafter

a. Using the attached reporting template form (Annex Ai an – Agency Plan), all agencies concerned are hereby enjoined to submit their CY 2024 and years thereafter approved plan of action by the end of January 2024 and the years thereafter to NCSC (for older person) and NCDA (for persons with disabilities)for review and consolidation. The Plan of Action for Older Person of each agency must be aligned with the approved Philippine Plan of Action for Senior Citizens 2023-2028.

b. The NCSC and NCDA shail submit the consolidated report of each sector to the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development through the Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB) by February 2024 and years thereafter.

Agency Implementation Report for CY 2023 and years thereafter of Programs,
Activities and Projects for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities

c. Using the attached reporting form (Annex B1 and B2 — Agency
Accomplishment), all agencies are likewise enjoined to submit an
assessment/evaluation report on the status of compliance to GP 36 under FY 2023 GAA by end of January 2024 and years thereafter to NCSC and NCDA based on the sector they represent.

d. Reports on the implementation of PPAS for older persons (Annex B1) shall be submitted to NCSC, while that of the Persons with Disabilities (Annex B2) to the NCDA. The NCSC and NCDA are likewise required to submit the consolidated report to DSWD through the PDPB by February 2024 and years thereafter.

VI Creation of a Technical Working Group

A Technical Working Group (TWG) composed of representatives from DSWD, NCDA
and NCSC shall be created to effectively and efficiently implement the provisions of this JMC with the following main function:

a. The DSWD, NCDA and NCSC shall come up with the consolidated annual
evaluation/year-end assessment report on the implementation of GP 36 under
FY 2023 GAA or equivalent provision in the years thereafter, copy furnished the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), to be submitted to the House of Representatives on the first day of the Resumption of Session, i.e., 22 January 2024. The DBM shall use these reports in the review and evaluation of the agency’s budget proposal for the succeeding year.

b. The DSWD through the PDPB is the designated Secretariat, in preparing the
consolidated annual evaluation/year-end assessment report, in cooperation,
coordination, and collaboration with the NCSC and NCDA.




VII Complaint and Grievance Mechanism

The NCSC or NCDA shall utilize the existing grievance mechanism of each agency.
Other workable strategies may be tapped furthering the feedback mechanism
complaint resolution such as:

1. Setting up information or grievance/complaint Desks at each agencies
2. Development of a system for web-based complaint management

VIII Responsibility and Accountability

The heads of agency of the concerned departments, bureaus, offices, agencies,
commissions, and state universities and colleges and all others concerned shall be

responsible for the implementation of the PPAS for the older persons and PWDs and
the submission of the required reports as herein required.


This JMC takes effect immediately upon its approval by the respective agencies.

Signed this 17th of January 2024 in Metro Manila, Philippines.

You may access the signed document here.