NCDA Administrative Order No. 001 Series of 2021



  1. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9442 as amendment to Republic Act 7277, otherwise known as the Magna    Carta for Disabled Persons and For Other Purposes, these foregoing guidelines shall serve as a mechanism for the issuance of a Person With Disability Identification Card.
  1. These guidelines have been formulated by the National Council on Disability Affairs in coordination with the Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare and Development, and Department of Interior and Local Government as provided for in Rule IV, Section 6.11 of the IRR.
  1. Persons with Disabilities Identification Cards shall be issued to any bonafide Filipino with permanent disabilities due to any one or more of the following types of disabilities: deaf/hard of hearing, Intellectual, learning, mental, orthopedic, physical, psychosocial, speech and language impairment, visual, people with cancer, and people with rare disease.
  1. The Identification Card shall be the basis for the provision of certain special privileges and discounts to bonafide PWDs in the Philippines in accordance with RA 9442, RA10754, RA 11215 and RA 10747.
  1. PWD-IDCs shall serve as proof of disability to fully enjoy the benefits and privileges as provided for in RA 9442, RA10754, RA 11215 and RA 10747.


    A/G/R – Applicant/Guardian/Authorized Representative

    COD – Certificate of Disability

    DILG – Department of the Interior and Local Government

    DOH – Department of Health

    DSWD – Department of Social Welfare Development

    LGU – Local Government Unit

    MC – Medical Certificate

    NCDA – National Council on Disability Affairs

    PDAO – Persons with Disabilities Affairs Office

    PRPWD – Philippine Registry for Persons with Disabilities

    PWD-IDC – Person with Disability Identification Card

    PWDID-AF – PWD ID Application Form

    PWD –Persons with Disabilities

    SWDO – Social Welfare and Development Office


    This order on the issuance of PWD-IDC aim to:

  1. Provide guidance to all local government officials, licensed physicians, local health officers, PDAO HEADS    AND FOCAL PERSONS ON DISABILITY and government agencies in the issuance of PWD-IDC for the privileges and incentives provided for by R.A. 9442, RA10754, RA 11215 and RA 10747 to PWDs.
  1. Facilitate monitoring by appropriate government agencies on the use of the PWD-IDC.
  1. Protect the establishments from illegitimate claims or fraudulent practices on the use of the PWD-IDC.
  1. Establish mechanisms to protect personal data of the beneficiaries in accordance with Republic Act 10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012.


  1. The Local Government Unit through the City or Municipal Office or PDAO shall implement these       guidelines in the issuance of the PWD-IDC.
  1. The City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office or PDAO shall:
  1. Reproduce/Print the PWDID-AFs to be filled out by the PWDs in accordance with the DOH Philippine Registry Form for Persons with Disability.
  • Reproduce/Print the PWD-IDCs.
  • Enter or encode the data from the approved PWDID-AF to the PRPWD system.
  • Ensure safety and security of data in accordance with Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act.
  1. PWDID-AFs or application forms can be obtained from any of the following or means:
  1. Municipal and City Social Welfare Offices / Persons with Disability Affairs Offices
  2. Department of Health
  3. National Council on Disability Affairs
  1. Submission of appropriate documents to confirm the eligibility of the new applicant is as follows:
  1. Apparent Disability

Applicants with apparent disability, that is, manifested by presence of physical Impairment and impaired mobility or function such as totally blind, missing limbs, limping and the likes will not be required to submit a Certificate of Disability from a physician or doctor to confirm the disability. Instead, the issuing officer may assess the applicant to determine the cause of disability and issue a Certificate of Disability however, in case of doubt the issuing officer may refer to the city and municipal health office for the final confirmation.

  • Certificate of Disability issued by city/municipality health office
    • Certificate of Disability from Issuing Office of PWD-IDC who assessed the applicant
  •  Non apparent Disability

Applicant with non-apparent disability, that is disability not manifested physically is required to submit a certificate of disability issued by SPECIALISTS or by appropriate physicians from the City, Municipal/Regional Health Offices or any recognized private medical institutions who has competencies to assess for the following non-apparent type of disabilities:

  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing Disability
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Learning Disability
  • Mental Disability
  • Psychosocial Disability
  • Non-apparent Visual Disability
  • Non-apparent Speech and Language Impairment
  • Non-apparent cancer
  • Non-apparent rare disease


For cancer and rare diseases applicants, a Medical Certificate/Certificate of Disability issued by an Oncologist, Surgeon or appropriate Physician that has the expertise to determine the ailment or disease is required.

  • Submission of the appropriate document to confirm the identity of the new applicant is as follows:
  1. Two “1×1” recent ID pictures with the names, and signatures or thumb marks at the back of the picture.
  2. One valid government ID
  3. For children, school ID will be accepted, in the absence of school ID, a photocopy of the Birth Certificate will be required.
  4. For applicant of legal age, one valid government ID is required.  In the absence of a valid ID, a Barangay Certificate will be required.  This may also be used as his proof of residence if the ID has no address indicated or if the ID indicates a different or old address.
  5. For guardian/representative:

    a. Guardian, proof of guardianship

    b. Authorized Representative, notarized authorization letter

  • Proof of residence
  • Voters ID or
  • Barangay certificate or
  • Utility bills with exact name and address
  • For renewal or revalidation transactions, submission of documents below are required:
  1. Accomplished PWDID-AF (Renewal box checked)
  2. Expired PWD-IDC
  3. Affidavit of Loss if PWD-IDC is declared lost.
  4. In the absence of expired PWD-IDC, two “1×1” recent ID pictures with the names, and signatures or thumb marks at the back of the picture are required.
  • The issuing offices, the PDAO or the City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices as the case maybe shall:
  1. Use the NSCB Philippine Standard Geographic Code and sequential numbering system in the

       issuance of the PWD ID Number. Format is <RR-PPMM-BBB-NNNNNNN> where:

                RR = 2-digits Region Code

                PP = 2-digits Province Code

                MM = 2-digits Municipality Code

                BBB = 3-digits Barangay Code (the default # is 000 unless specific barangays are issuing  

                          PWD ID)

                NNNNNNN = 7-digits Sequential No.


                Issuing Facility NSCB Philippine Standard Geographic Code PWD ID No.

                City of San Fernando, Pampanga 13-5416-000; 13-5416-000-0000001

                Municipality of Apalit, Pampanga 03-5402-000; 03-5402-000-0000001

                Sucad Barangay, Apalit, Pampanga 03-5402-013; 03-5402-013-0000001

  • Ensure that the PWD ID No. is sequentially assigned with no missed numbers to ensure database integrity.
  • Keep a record of all PWDs with ID Numbers issued and with the following data sets:
  • ID Number
  • Name of the PWD (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
  • Complete Address
  • Date of Birth
  1. PWD Application Forms and ID Cards shall be issued and signed by the City or Municipal Mayor.
  2. The DOH shall maintain the system and database of the DOH-PPWDRS in coordination with

                   the NCDA, DSWD, DILG and LGUs. The official website is

  • The NCDA shall maintain a mirror of the database to ensure the reliability, availability and integrity of the database.  This shall form part of the Executive Information System of Persons with Disabilities sector.
  • NCDA shall likewise promote the proper migration of the LGU disability data to the PRPWD system and the provision of a reliable and secure back-up database.


    Any bonafide person with permanent disability can apply for the issuance of the PWD-IDC.

    His/her caregiver can assist in the application process. Procedures for the issuance of the ID

    Cards are as follows:

  1. Applicant/Guardian/Authorized Representative.
  1. Secure and accomplish all the necessary required details in the application form (See Section IV, C).
  2. Attached the requirements to PWDID-AF (See Section IV, D and E).
  3. Submit the complete documents/requirements to City or Municipality Mayor or PDAO.
  4. Receive the PWD-IDC.
  • Document Evaluator/Processor.
  • Receive the PWD ID application form (PWDID-AF) with attached requirements from applicant/guardian/representative.
  • Assess new applicant with apparent disability and prepare Certificate of Disability.  In case the person with disability submits a medical certificate, it may be accepted accordingly.
  • Evaluate the documents submitted by the applicant/guardian/representative, advise them to correct discrepancy if there is or complete the requirements if incomplete (See Section IV, D, E , F and G for documentary requirements)
  • For renewal transaction, Expired PWD-IDC and accomplished PWDID-AF (See Section IV, G requirements for renewal) are the only documentary requirements provided that the applicant is already registered in the PRPWD otherwise the transaction will be treated as NEW APPLICANT (See Section IV, D, E and F for requirements)
  • Submit documents to approving officer for approval.
  • Approving officer.
  1. Approving officer will return the documents to Documents Evaluator/Processor if Discrepancy/issue is found.
  2. Approving officer forward the documents to Encoder if no discrepancy/issue.
  3. Maintain the veracity and authenticity of submitted documents
  • Encoder.
  1. Assign PWD-ID number for new applicant and affix it to the PWD-AF.
  2. Encode/upload or update/verify (RENEWAL) details in the PRPWD (See PRPWD User’s Manual:
  3. Print PWD-IDC
  4. Forward PWD-IDC to Releasing.
  • Releasing Officer.
  • Check for the accuracy of PWD IDC before releasing.
  • Release the PWD-IDC to the applicant/guardian/authorized representative.


Issuing facilities are reminded to ensure that employment status and PhilHealth membership are filled-up.  Certifying physicians should be accomplished accurately including the processing, encoder, approving and releasing officers for proper identification and accountability.

The provision of control number is dependent to the internal control mechanism of the issuing facility, it can also be used for ISO purposes.


  1. The PWD-IDC issued to the PWD shall be valid for five (5) years.
  2. The initial PWD-IDC is free of charge.
  3. Loss or damage may be charged a minimal fee for the replacement of PWD-IDC.
  4. Renewal/revalidation may be processed a month prior to expiration or when the PWD-IDC is  already expired.


        The PWD-IDC shall serve as the Standard National Identification Card for PWDs, and shall be               prescribed as proof of availment of the 20% discount and other benefits to persons with disabilities as provided in RA 9442, RA10754, RA 11215, RA 10747 and other laws that may be enacted by Congress. (See Annex 5 for the facsimile of the PWD-IDC).


NCDA Administrative Order 001 Series 2008 is hereby repealed by this order.  All other policies or issuances inconsistent or contrary to the provisions of this AO is hereby revised or modified accordingly.


Abuse of any person, corporation, institution and/or entity on the use of PWD ID Card is punishable by law or can be penalized subject to the discretion of the ruling court.


X. ANNEX 2 – PWD Application Form Version 4.0

XI. ANNEX 3 – Certificate of Apparent Disability Template

XII. ANNEX 4 – Certificate of Non-apparent Disability Template

XIII.ANNEX 5 – Template of PWD-IDC


        This Order shall take effect immediately after its publication in two (2) newspaper of general circulation.

Approved by:


Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and Development

Chairperson, National Council on Disability Affairs

NCDA AO 001 s 2021 signed copy