Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health


OCT 20, 2021


No. 2013-0005-B

SUBJECT:  Further Amendment to Administrative Order No. 2013-0005-A dated November 6, 2019 entitled “Amendment to Administrative Order No. 2013-0005, National Policy on the Unified Registry Systems of the Department of Health (Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, Injury Related Cases, Persons with Disabilities and Violence Against Women and Children Registry System), dated February 7, 2013


The Administrative Order No. 2013-0005-A dated November 6, 2019 entitled Amendment to Administrative Order No. 2013-0005 dated February 7, 2013, “National Policy on the Unified Registry Systems of the Department of Health Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, Injury Related Cases, Persons with Disabilities and Violence Against Women and Children Registry System” is further amended to include Cancer patients, Persons living with cancer and Cancer survivors as defined in Republic Act (R.A. No. 11215): National Integrated Cancer Control Act and patients diagnosed with Rare Disease as defined in R.A. No.10747: Rare Disease Act of the Philippines under the type of disability, and among others:

IV. Definition of Terms

7. Orthopedic disability – disability in the normal functioning of the joints, muscles, and limb

8. Persons with Disabilities – include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

IV. Definition of Terms

7. Physical Disability is a restriction of participation due to any physical impairment that affects a person’s mobility, endurance or stamina in the safe performance of sustained physical activity, dexterity in accomplishing tasks skilfully and quality of life. Causes may be congenital, hereditary or acquired from trauma, infection, surgical, or medical condition and include the following disorders, namely: (I) Connective tissue, musculoskeletal or orthopedic disorders (2) Neurological or neuromuscular disorders (3) Cardiopulmonary disorders.

8. Cancer (RA No. 11215) refers to a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs;

9Rare Disease – (RA No. 10747) refers to disorders such as inherited metabolic disorder, inborn errors of metabolism and other diseases with rare occurrence as recognized by the DOH and upon recommendation of NIH but excluding catastrophic (ie., life threatening, seriously debilitating, or serious and chronic) forms of more frequently occurring diseases.

Annex A

Philippine Registry for Persons with Disabilities Version 3.0

Application Form

Age (if date of birth is not available)

5. Religion

6. Ethnic Group

10. Type of Disability:

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Intellectual Disability

Learning Disability

Mental Disability

Orthopedic Disability

Physical Disability Psychosocial Disability

Speech and Language Impairment Visual Disability

11. Cause of Disability:

Acquired Cancer

Chronic Illness Congenital/Inborn Injury

Rare Disease

14. Educational Attainment:


Elementary Education

High School Education


Postgraduate Program

Non-Formal Education Vocational

Annex A

Philippine Registry for Persons with Disabilities Version 4.0

Application Form

Age, Religion and Ethnic group will no longer be included

10. Type of Disability:

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Intellectual Disability

Learning Disability

Mental Disability

Physical Disability

Psychosocial Disability

Speech and Language Impairment

Visual Disability

Cancer (RA 11215)

Rare Disease (RA 10747)

11. Cause of Disability:


Autism ADHD

Cerebral Palsy Down Syndrome Others, specify:


Accident Chronic Illness Injury

Others, specify

14. Educational Attainment:



Elementary Education

Junior High School

Senior High School




There are additional fields to be included:

Type of Applications:

New Applicant – to account the information of the new account

Renewal – for possible update of information of the individual

21.    Control No.:

22.    Processing Officer:

23.    Approving Officer:

24.    Encoder:

All other fields in PRPWD Version 3.0 that are not mentioned and present in PRPWD Version 4.0 will remain in effect.

As thus amended, all other provisions stipulated in Administrative Order No. 2013- 0005 dated February 7, 2013 and Administrative Order No. 2013-0005-A dated November 6, 2019 not affected by this amendment shall remain in full force and effect.

This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days following the publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation with three (3) certified copies to be filed with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center.


Secretary of Health

View and download the original signed Administrative Order here.
