Category: Event Calendar

Calendar of Events

1st National Disability Summit Day 1 Activities

A gathering of persons with disability leaders and duty bearers nationwide to discuss and resolve issues of concerns with highlights on the role of PWD organizations and civil society in monitoring the implementation of the UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. Host agency is the National Council on Disability Affairs. [...] 

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White Cane Safety Day Celebration

The “White Cane Safety Day” celebration which is being celebrated every 1st Day of August is based on RA 6759 “White Cane Act” to instill public awareness of the plight of the our visually impaired persons, promote recognition and acceptance of the “white cane” as a symbol of the need of the sector for specific assistance and as a reminder of the individual’s duty to care for and accord due respect to a person with visual impairment. This year’s theme “P.R.O.-White Cane” (Promote, Recognition and Observance-White Cane) is to advocate public awareness using the symbol of the white cane, and the need to recognize the talents and skills of visually impaired persons (VIPs) as productive members of society. [...] 

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