The National Council on Disability Affairs designed its Official Website with accessibility in mind. As a government agency mandated to implement and promote the use of accessible designs, its official website acts as a showcase of web accessibility. If you have any questions or comments about the accessibility of this site, feel free to email the webmaster.

Access Keys

Common keyboard shortcuts are applied here. However, here are the Accesskey assignments to help us navigate the site. Use the combined ALT + Accesskey + ENTER keys.

Access Key Functions

Alternate key + 0 – Accessibility Statement (this page)
Alternate key + 1 – Goes back to Home Page
Alternate key + 2 – Skip to main content
Alternate key + C – Contact Information
Alternate key + M – Site Map
Alternate key + S – Search/Advanced Search

General Web Site Layout

The web pages are consistent with its design and column positions all throughout the web site. It uses the 3-column format along with basic web design parts (Heading, Content and Footer). The design specifications are:

For Heading:

  1. The top most bar above the main heading banner has the Skip to Content, Skip to Menu, Skip to Bottom and Accessibility Features links.
  2. Although the heading banner has a graphic logo and name image, the heading titles can be heard from a screen reader.
  3. The site has two top navigation bars. It has links to most important contents of the website including the Home and Contact Information. There are no drop down menus.

For Content:

  1. The content has three main columns. The lower part of the last column is divided into two.
  2. On the Home page, the left column consists of Latest News, Other News, Quick Helps and Links to NCDA Sub-committees and Divisions. For the rest of the pages, this column shows the page content.
  3. The middle column consists of Photo Releases and News from Regional Clusters.
  4. The right column consists of other important links categorized under Announcements, Advertisements, Local Government Units Corners, Non-government Organization Corner, Polls, Recent Comments and MCCID YouTube video channel displaying a random video.
  5. The content of right column remains the same for pages. However, for news article posts, the right column becomes a two-button navigation links going from the “Previous” and “Next” news article.
  6. Each content page includes Breadcrumbs line or composed of link pages where the viewer is currently located.

For Footer:

  1. The left footer side shows the Copyright, Complete Contact Information and Validation Links.
  2. The right footer side consists of Log In, Policy, News Archives, Site Map and Contact Us.

Other Instructions and Features

  1. Simply press enter on the “Skip Link” to go directly to the Main Content.
  2. The banner title is also used as a Home link.
  3. All images have ALTERNATE text attributes. Decorative graphics appear on the CSS files.
  4. The web site can be resized to any screen and font size.
  5. There are no PDF files included. The website uses the unobtrusive JavaScript and Flash files have equivalent graphic image.
  6. Videos that appear here include closed caption or sub-titles.
  7. This site makes extensive use of Cascading Style Sheets. If you will view the encoding source, the site is neatly arranged without the clutter of non-cascading style sites.
  8. This site also makes a near accurate visual rendering from all browser versions of Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera as well as Internet Explorer from versions 6 to Beta 8 starting at 1024 x 768 screen resolution.


  1. As one of the implementors of web accessibility through Philippine Web Accessibility Group, this website strictly conforms with the group’s Web Design Accessibility Recommendation up to Maturity Stage 2 Checkpoints.
  2. This website also passed the Section 508 Web Accessibility Design Compliance automated verification.
  3. This website passed the W3C Standard Compliance for XHTML 1.0 Strict Document Type automated verification.