Dear Colleagues,
The 2nd Asia-Pacific CBR Congress Programme Committee is grateful to all those who have submitted abstracts in response to the first call for abstracts. Notifications for acceptance for accepted presenters will be done after the review has been completed.
We are issuing a second call for abstracts to prospective participants who are interested in making a presentation for the following concurrent session topics:
1. Concurrent Session 1: Country Experiences in Localizing the Implementation of UNCRPD and MDG
2. Concurrent Session 2: (a) HIV/AIDS, (b) Gender Equality, (c) Leprosy, Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses, (d) Conflict Situations
3. Concurrent Session 3: (a) Livelihood
4. Concurrent Session 4: (a) Independent Living, (b) Parents Support Groups, (c) Non-Government Organizations, (d) Faith-based Organizations, (e) self-propelled Disabled People’s Organizations
5. Concurrent Session 5: (a) Working with Research Institutions, (b) Working with Media
For your convenience in making a submission, please read the following guidelines:
1. Closing date for submission of additional abstracts is August 31, 2011.
2. Please limit your abstract to 500 words or less, using the Abstract Format, which you can download here.
3. Abstracts should be submitted to the Program Committee by email at:
4. All submitted abstracts will be acknowledged within 5 working days from receipt.
5. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
6. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by email.
7. The list of accepted additional presenters will be confirmed by the end of September, 2011.
8. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit both their full paper and Power Point presentation (compatible with MS 2003 version) via email at by September 30, 2011.
9. Official language for presentation is English.
10. Presenters should be registered participants.
The first batch of abstracts that we have received is very exciting and they truly bring in a lot of experiences and learning! Thank you very much! We look forward to receiving more engaging and exciting abstracts and presentations!
Sub-Committee on Program
2nd CBR Asia-Pacific Congress National Organizing Committee