The Metropolitan Museum of Manila announces their line up of activities for the first quarter of 2010 for the viewing public. The exhibit activities will especially appeal to students and enthusiasts of design, history and the humanities, with or without disabilities.

The activities are very accessible with some, like the tours, being offered for free, to the public. The rest would require minimal entrance fees. Paid activities are also available in discounted rates to groups of at least ten people.

The activities will allow you to experience the unique exhibits and programs of the Museum. The “Sensorium” and “Salakai Uli”! are engaging exhibits that allow the material exploration of the art pieces through touch. The “Touch the Artists’ Vision Program” is especially designed for visually-impaired visitors “to see” some of the artworks in the Museum with the use of audio guide, tactile drawings and Braille captions.

For further details on the Museum’s educational activities, get in touch with Ms. Fralynn Manalo at telephone numbers 523-0613, 521-1517, 536-1566 or via email at or visit their website at