August 25th – 27th , 2009
Manila Pavilion Hotel, United Nations Avenue corner Ma. Orosa Street, Manila
- Celebrate the gains made by CBR while addressing current challenges in the Philippines;
- Arrive at a common understanding of CBR in the Philippines which is in harmony with the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Biwako Framework (+5);
- Promote the adoption of CBR by Local Government Units;
- Set the stage for the Organization of the Philippine CBR Network;
- Announce the hosting of the 2nd Asia Pacific CBR Congress in 2011.
The Philippine CBR Congress hopes to gather LGUs, National and Regional government agencies, DPOs, NGOs, family support groups, the business sector, civil society,a cademe, INGOs, professional bodiesn and the media, who are interested in promoting Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) as a rights based strategy for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society.
For further information, contact the Secretariat:
CBR Coordinating Office, Philippines, Phone: (+632) 522-44-29, e-mail: