Nominations for the 2015 Apolinario Mabini Awards has been extended to March 31, 2015. Categories for nomination are: Presidential A. Mabini Award, Person With Disability (PWD) of the Year, PWD Group of the Year, Local Government Unit of the Year, Rehabilitation Volunteer/Group of the Year (Volunteer/Group Advocate for the Empowerment of PWDs of the Year), Employer of the Year, PWD Friendly Establishment, PWD Media Advocate of the Year, and the Website Accessibility Award. Anyone can nominate individuals or groups to any category provided they meet the criteria.

The Mabini Awards, named after one of the country’s foremost hero, Apolinario Mabini, recognizes groups and individuals and/or agencies that have made outstanding contributions to Persons With Disabilities. The award is inspired by Mabini’s creative genius that provided inspiration to the Philippine revolution.

The Award is spearheaded by the Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRD), the oldest non-government organization in the Philippines to address needs of Persons with Disability.

The awards will be presented on July 2015 in Malacanang Palace.

Please visit this link or for more information and to download forms. You may also call Liza at (632) 725-0093 or email for more information.