The NCDA shares with its online community and networks for information and reference the following excerpts that relate to disability and/or persons with disabilities which were taken from the report submitted to the Council by the Department of Social Welfare and Development on its National Consultation with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Preparation held on February 26, 2014 at Eastwood Richmonde Hotel in Libis, Quezon City.

On the presentation of updates on the issues/concerns/recommendations raised during the FY 2013 National Consultation with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs):

  1. Issues/Concerns/Recommendations: To improve the questionnaire (National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction – NHTS-PR) to identify the extra cost for families with persons with disability (PWD) members

    Updates/Actions Taken: The Proxy Means Test (PMT) model being used by the National Household Targeting Office (NHTO) to identify poor household makes use of proxy indicators to approximate household income but there are no questions asked regarding income and expenditures

  2. Issues/Concerns/Recommendations: To further enhance the Family Development Session (FDS) modules to take into account children with special needs (e.g. children with autism)
    Updates/Actions Taken: The enhancement of the child protection component of the FDS was already included in the FDS module. This was crafted by a team from UP College of Education (Special Education) in partnership with Aus Aid last July 23, 2013 with a subject “Modyul Ukol sa Kapansanan” whose objective is to raise awareness and care of children with disabilities
  3. During the open forum on the above-stated presentation:

  4. Issues/Concerns: Consider identifying PWDs in the NHTS-PR questionnaire. Need clarification on the actions taken.

    Response/Recommendations: The indicators from NHTS are to identify whether the family is poor or non-poor. They explained the ideal use of not using the actual income and expenses of the family as their indicator.

    The NHTO however is continuously coordinating with the NSO to include in the FIES additional questions for PWDs. Household Assessment Form will be enhanced based on the last assessment done by NHTO where PWD concerns may be included.

  5. Issues/Concerns: For the LCPC, is there a criteria on serving PWD school children in identified “child friendly schools”

    Response/Recommendations: Children with disability were already part of the criteria. Need to consider monitoring sustainability of this criterion.

  6. Issues/Concerns: Clarify if the NHTS-PR data was done by the Department of Health (DOH).

    Response/Recommendations: DSWD clarified that DOH may have surveyed for their own program. The DSWD NHTO does not provide a program/service but instead comes up with the list of the poor.

    The DOH has a registry of persons with disabilities/profile of persons with disabilities which the CSO may have been referring to.

  7. Issues/Concerns: What is the DSWD’s mandate in encouraging the Local Government Unit (LGU) to look into the welfare and protection of the children, families and PWDs? Any consultation done for this?

    Response/Recommendations: The DSWD’s role is to provide Technical Assistance (TA) to LGUs; the accreditation and monitoring function is the responsibility of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). The DSWD is advocating Administrative Order No. 7, series of 2012 (“Guidelines for Local Government Units’ Social Welfare and Development Service Delivery System (Amending AO No. 82, series of 2003)”) which includes this requirement.

  8. During the open forum after giving the overview of the DSWD’s 2014 Budget and Indicative Budget Ceiling for CY 2015:

  9. Issues/Concerns from CSOs: It seems like the one day DSWD CSO Consultation is not enough to discuss all the issues pertaining to sectors.

    Do the DSWD tried to integrate the concerns of PWDs because it seems like it is not included in the budget presented?

    There should be a consultation with the different sectors for the various programs

    Response/Recommendations: Will consider conducting a national consultation for not just one day depending on the availability of funds for the said activity

    A separate discussion for specific programs of the Department was recommended. To have a venue for program specific to sectors; with the concerned Office/Bureau to sit down with the CSOs.

  10. Issues/Concerns from CSOs: No increase in the budget for the assistance to PWD and older persons?

    There should be a research proposal with regard to disability-focused programs. To determine what programs are needed to support the families with PWD members.

    Response/Recommendations: Asec. Chona mentioned that DSWD will try to look for funds from other programs if it will be program-focused.

    There is a need to initiate a study on the social cost of PWDs in line with program development to determine appropriate programs to address PWD need. The results of which can be used as basis for the NHTSPR to improve its household assessment form.

  11. Issues/Concerns from CSOs: Are PWDs no longer included in the MCCT target clientele? There are CSOs who would like to engage with the Pantawid-MCCT, however, but there are no feedback on the engagement that were initially done with the Department or any changes on the program.

    Response/Recommendations: The Pantawid Pamilya-MCCT will schedule a meeting with those CSOs to discuss and explain the process that were undergone by the program.

  12. Issues/Concerns from CSOs: Review and assess programs and projects whether these are PWD inclusive

    Response/Recommendations: We will propose for the review of all our programs and projects in coordination with respective offices and bureaus in the central office.

  13. Issues/Concerns from CSOs: Lack of research proposal on the social cost of disability

    Response/Recommendations: Director Cruz mentioned that a study is being crafted to determine social cost of disability; it also aims to see if there are difference on the expenditure pattern of a family with PWD member and family without PWD member. The result of the study can be used and also be part of the question on the family assessment forms of the NHTS-PR.

    During the open forum after the presentation of INCITEGov (International Center for Innovation, Transformation and Excellence in Governance) Director Maxine Tanya Hamada on the topic “Strengthening Budget-Focused Partnership Between Government and CSOs”

  14. Issues/Concerns from CSOs: The one percent (1%) budgetary allocation for PWDs and Senior Citizens

    Response/Recommendations: Director Hamada clarified that the national budget for PWDs is different from the budget of the LGUs. She added that these sectors (PWD and Senior Citizen) should lobby for the allocation of this budget.

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