After an exciting exhibit and sale of fashionable “Bags for Life” crafted by persons with disabilities and their kins at the Municipal Hall last November 7, 2012, Mayor Dahlia Loyola gave the project her thumbs up. She warmly thanked NCDA for bringing in ‘Bags for Life’ Expert Ms. Lulu Ocampo for the 6-day workshop, and on the spot, gave instructions to tap local establishments to donate all used telephone directories, posters and newspapers to sustain ‘’Bags’’ production
Mayor Dahlia Loyola admires Bags for Life finished products and thanks NCDA represented by TCD Chief Nelia R. de Jesus for bringing in Bags Expert/Author Mrs. Lulu Ocampo.
20 trainees with disabilities hurdled 8 days to learn weaving “Bags for Life”, back-to-back with ‘Appropriate Paper-based Technology (APT)” to make useful devices/kiddie tables and chairs from waste cardboards and papers. Aimed to provide Carmona’s persons with disabilities novel and practical options to generate extra income, this is also an NCDA’s pitch to enlist women and men with disabilities as environment advocates through waste reuse.