2 Pinoy Scholars eagerly begin their Life-changing Year in Washington D.C. Rocel Sison of the Philippine National School for the Blind and Jene Boy Deculing of Isabela school for the Deaf, join exchange students from all over the world on their orientation prior to placements for 1 year, in respective schools and foster families in California and Arizona.

This joint project of the NCDA, AFS-IPP and the U.S. Government, gives 2-3 scholarship slots for PWDs out of 40, every year. As the local government’s pitch for disability-inclusive education called for in the “UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, this also aims to groom future PWD leaders/rights advocates in the country. Rocel and Jene Boy, now students in California and Arizona respectively, will make a total of 17, fielded since 2004, and are now making indelible marks in their studies and careers. For those interested to apply, please check out http://www.ncda.gov.ph/k-l-yes-afs-philippines/