
Product details will be posted in one of the NCDA website’s pages for one (1) week for online presence and promotion. Contact information will be given for interested investors or buyers to directly contact the concerned PWD Entrepreneur. The latter must be responsible in handling every inquiry being the business owner.

  • PWD Entrepreneur must provide the following data:
  • Product / Service Description
  • Prices/Rates
  • Photos of Products
  • Contact Details Business
  • Name Business Owner’s Name
  • Business Complete Address
  • Contact Person (2) Cellphone Number
  • Email address (optional)
  • Website Address (optional)
  • DTI Business Permit #

After screening, business information will be posted on the Webstore page of the NCDA website Each company/business portfolio will be posted for one (1) week, to give others equal chance. This portal can thus be a concrete advertising hub, gratis, for PWD entrepreneurs as this will not only spur their economic activities but generate public awareness on their role in the country’s productive workforce.