We are very pleased to invite you to join our Search for Outstanding JICA Ex-participants by nominating a candidate in any of the following categories:
• Arts Culture & Education
• Health and Safety
• Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources
• Administration & Governance
• Information and Communication Technology
• Social Work/Community/Service
• Finance/Business/Economics
• Research and Development
This nationwide search, which is now on its fifth year aims to give recognition to participants/recipients of Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency (OTCA) and or Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) – sponsored training, who have provided significant contribution in nation building as a result of knowledge gained from their training in Japan. The criteria for the awards as follows: (a) excellence in their respective fields of specialization; (b) contribution in the progress and development of our country as a result of training and studies in Japan; (c) contributions to the strengthening of the cooperation between Japan and the Philippines.
Deadline for the submission of nomination is on September 30, 2011, but it will be appreciated if you could submit as early as possible by using the required forms. All information is also available and downloadable at http://www.philjafa.org and you can send queries through email addresses philjafa@philjafa.org / philjafa@yahoo.com .